Time fly's when you're having fun and even when you're not....so you might as well have fun!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Pansy's are for remembrance. Remember their lives. Remember their loss. Remember their families.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Paige's cute new slip on shoes...as my dear old friend Sheila would say "My favorite color is PLAID"
Saturday, April 28, 2007
These are my Toad and Frogs in the front garden...they remind me of my Grandma and make me smile:)
The Vikings have landed in central Ohio!
This is my post for Friday 4/27/07
Yesterday when Mike was crossing the Scioto River on his way home from work he saw a Viking ship. He rushed home to get Megan and the camera and came back about 40 minutes later with these pictures. The story is they are with some Viking Historical Society ( didn't know they had those) and they stopped here to give some folks a ride on their boat before heading further down south for a weekend Viking gathering.
Here are the Viking ship specs....it is 40 feet long and weighs 4 tons they can get up to 12 rowers per side and it does have a diesel engine but that was not working yesterday.
Megan meets Mr. Viking It's little Miss. Megan the Viking Warrior....Grrrrrrr
Thursday, April 26, 2007
This is my "Grape Sweet Olive" tomato plant. As soon as it is safe (from frost) I plan to plant it in a container on the patio. Probably the 2nd week of May then if all goes well I will have lots of little mater's to enjoy this summer. These are so sweet and tasty...sauted in olive oil with onion and some fresh ground black pepper. YUM-O
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Smiles from Paige and Megan to get you over your mid week hump!
This is my post for Tuesday 4/24/07
Megan talked me into a pair of "Crocs" actually they are fake crocs....Airwalks by Payless Shoes. They were having bogo 1/2 off so when I got her hot pink ones I got these pink Mary Jane ones for me. They will be fun for at the pool.
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree This will be my official post for Monday April 23,2007
This is Paige's first 12 x 12 scrapbook page that she made almost entirely by herself. She had taken the photo's last year with a disposable camera. She made the colorful mat page at school on indoor recess during a rainy day. She brought it home and wanted to mount pictures on it. She cropped the photos herself using my mini paper cutter (with adult supervision). After she mounted the pictures she said I need heavier paper to put it on. I suggested a 12 x 12 sheet of card stock. Then after mounting it she wrote the names with gel markers. I suggested the flower punch detail along the bottom of the page and showed her how to put a patterned strip of paper behind it. Then she punched some more flowers out of the patterned paper and placed them on the page. She had the page hanging in her room on display but we are going to add it to her scrapbook soon.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
It's still Spring in Ohio! My garden still has Spring bulbs in bloom and we had a nice warm sunny weekend to enjoy them too. As you can see from the photo of my Climetis that mine has a long way to grow before it is blooming like my sisters. She posted pictures of hers last weekend and it made me laugh because mine are barely out of the ground. But with this warm weather we have had the past couple of days I can almost watch them grow.
The Rainbow Twirlers!
This was our live entertainment last night.After eating dinner onthe patio (grilled chicken, french fries, coleslaw and watermelon)the girls twirled aroundwith their rainbow ribbon wands.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Today was class picture day at school. They usually do a cute shot of each class and the kids are posed real cute not just standing like little soldiers in a row. These are the outfits that the girls picked out to wear. Luckily it is warm (64) and sunny today!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Lights, camera .....action!
Today was costume day for the girls. They both got their tap costumes for the May recital. Paige is still waiting for her ballet costume to come in, so maybe we will get it next Tuesday.Megan's tap class is dancing to "Let's Go To The Movies" from "Annie". Paige is tap dancing to "Jail-house Rock"
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Been mulching, yep today was a good day to mulch, not to hot not to cold or windy but just right for spreading mulch. It is dirty work but so rewarding. Now it is 3 p.m. and only the dogs have had lunch...think I will grab a quick bite then head up to shower before the kids get off the school bus at 4. Before mulch Ta-Da.....AFTER!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I took a picture of Paige and Megan on the steps this morning and that was what I was planning to post for my picture of the day. Then this evening Megan got two little splinters in the palm of her hand from the wooden glider on the front porch. Both Mike and I tried to help her get them out but after her throwing a fit and acting like we were going to amputate her hand with tweezers and a needle she calmly said "I want to do it myself". So here she is doing it herself. She got one of the little buggers out before dinner . After dinner I gave her a bath and we tried to get the other one out but so far we only managed to get half of it out. She is zonked out in bed so I may go up and get that darn splinter out before I zonk out myself. I will say this for her she is a tough little kid and strong too....I should know I was the one trying to hold her hand still. Oh and after all the tears and fuss she looks up at me and says "I love you mom."
Monday, April 16, 2007
A blast from the past...when I was posting the picture for my main blog I ran across these and thought I would share the smiles. Megan Leanna all dressed up and no where to go... age 2, Oct.2003. Paige Marguerite picked flowers at Aunt Debs to take to her ballet teacher. age 5, Oct.2003
Sorry these post are late...housework won out over computer time this weekend.
We will pretend this is my post for 4/15/07I wonder if my family has a clue to how spoiled they are? I dipped these yummy strawberries to go with the chocolate mouse and vanilla whipped cream for dessert last night. Megan was all about chocolate dipped strawberries...she gave them a two thumbs up then asked for more!
Cartoon time
While I was cleaning house on Saturday and it was pouring down rain the girls were watching cartoons on Boomerang. Megan says "We already saw this one" then I explained that they all start the same and end the same too.
We will pretend this is my post for 4/14/07
I guess it is true the apple's don't fall far from the tree. I remember watching "Looney Toons" and enjoying all the silly antics of Sylvester, Bugs and Tweety. Glad my kids have Boomerang so they can enjoy the classics too. That's All Folks!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Yeah the sun is shining!
Paige tried on her Tinkerbell sunglasses this a.m. We actually have sun today...what a nice sight. It is hard to wake up and get going when it's all overcast and raining like it has been for the past 3 or 4 days.
These are some tough little tulips, they have been frosted, snowed and blowed on yet they are blooming just fine.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
I was talking to my dad the other day and the topic turned to deviled eggs. He told me that he puts horse radish sauce in his. So when I made mine I put some in...they were great...thanks for the tip dad.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
HAY! It's the horses! These are the horses that live next to the front of our development. We look for them every time we drive by. Today I happened to have my camera so we stopped to take their picture. P.S. This is my 100th post on this blog.