So the kids are eating their Cheerio's for breakfast and I tell them if they hurry up I will give them a special treat.
Then I pull out "ice cream sundae's " from the freezer for them. The trick is that the vanilla ice cream is really just vanilla yogurt. Paige took a big scoop of hers and I asked "well how is it" and she politely answers "it's good, then reluctantly she says it taste a little funny". Then I ask "does it taste more like yogurt than ice cream.....APRIL FOOLS".
Our neighbor boy Harry was over because his parents had to go to work early. He said "I thought it was cool that Paige and Megan were having ice cream after breakfast". He thought it was a clever trick.
Last night after I put the kids to bed I was downstairs on the computer. I could hear footsteps up in the hall and above my head in Paige's room. So I went up to see what was going on, since they had been in bed a good 15 mins. or so. The first thing I noticed was Megan's bedroom door was wide open. I usually close it after leaving her room so Rebel will not go in and get into trouble (chew on her toys). So I went in to turn off her big night light (like I do each night) and as I was pulling the covers up on her I saw yellow p.j.'s (Paige's p.j.'s) . I thought now that is strange why did they switch p.j.'s then Paige rolled over (she was laying on her stomach) and I said "what are you doing in your sisters bed?". She said we were trying to play an April Fools trick on you but you ruined it. She was pretty upset, and I started laughing of course. I said but you did trick me, I thought you and your sister had switched pajama's.
So I told her to stay there and in the morning I would ask her dad to go in and wake "Megan" up and then she could trick him.
So this morning after I took the dogs out I went to wake "Paige" up (who is really Megan") because I had gone in and turned off Paige's alarm clock, thinking that it might freak Megan out since she does not wake up to a blaring radio. So Megan got a laugh because she "tricked" me. Then I had Mike go in to wake "Megan" up and the real trick was on him when he found Paige in Megan's bed. So Paige got to do her trick, but it just happened to be on her dad instead of me.
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