Thursday, April 03, 2008

If someone would have stopped by our house yesterday they would have never suspected that I had 4 girls here. Because they all get along so well, they are good friends and they all have really good manners.

Megan and Cameron have been best buddies since they were 2. Cameron came over after school for a much anticipated play date. They played dolls/vet up in Megan's room. After they cleaned that up (by themselves and without being asked) they moved onto the bonus room to play a combination of Polly Pockets, Barbie Dogs and Littlest Pet Shops. Then they cleaned ALL that up all by themselves (they know the rules!) and finally they played LEGOS. I would have Cameron over ANY time because she is such a good kid, she knows the rules (clean up your mess, be kind and stay out of the older sisters room unless invited in). I am so glad that my kids have such good friends, it makes life easier! Paige also had a friend over, Sydney rode the bus home with Paige. They are in the same 4th grade class. Sydney was new to Paige's school this year, and I am glad that Paige has made friends with her. The start of 4th grade was difficult for Paige since about 1/3 of the kids she has known since kindergarten moved to a brand new school (to prevent over crowding in the schools). I told Paige the plus side is they will all meet back up in middle school.
Sydney is a real sweet/polite girl. She is the oldest of 4 she has a sister in 2nd grade, a brother in kindergarten and a brother in preschool.
Paige and Sydney did their homework together, then they hung out in Paige's room,they took Rebel for a walk, they baked banana bread, looked at scrapbooks and then made pizza's for dinner. After dinner they went outside and played catch. It was a perfect afternoon of fun and friends.

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