Saturday, November 24, 2007

This is my post for Friday 11-23-07Our dear neighbor Linda from across the street has company for Thanksgiving. Her son and his family drove up from S. Carolina. She brought over Madeline and her new baby brother, Calem over to visit. Calem was born Oct. 5th, so he is just a little whipper snapper. He was fussing so I picked him up and put him on my shoulder and patted his back. That did the trick, he let out a big belch and spit up on my shoulder. It has been a while since I have had a new baby spit up on me. Megan was famous for spitting up, at least 3 times a day. Boy I did a lot of laundry when she was tiny, and I don't miss any of that! It was fun to see the new baby and Linda is so proud and happy.

1 comment:

JustMeShann said...

Linda looks so happy... Her grandaughter has the most beautiful eyes and the baby is a cutie... Every kid in Ohio must have a Buckeyes shirt! Ha! Thanks for sharing, Shann