Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Here are the pictures from Christmas eve day and our evening at Terry and Steve's. We had such a relaxing day. Both Mike and I had the day off work. I baked a chocolate chip cheesecake to take over to Terry's and I also made a big salad. In the afternoon we opened our gifts from our family and friends in California then we got ready to go have pasta and pizza at Terry's and open gifts with them. It was very fun and relaxed...just perfect!

Paige and Megan were thrilled to get two Mario games for the Wii from Pop-pop and Mimi. At first they were all into the Super Mario game but now they have started playing the Sonic and Mario Winter Olympics and they love the figure skating, bobsledding and snowboarding games.

Paige checking out her new Cowgirl hat that Aunt Shann sent her. Aunt Shann went to the Oakdale Cowboy Festival back in the fall and called me to ask what sized hat Paige wore. She had met this lady that makes straw hats and hand shapes them. I think Paige looks beautiful in her new hat!

I think Paige was texting her friend Lauren that she got a Cowgirl hat for Christmas.

Paige and Megan brought over their new Wii games and extra remotes so all the cousins could play together. I know they all look like they are blankly staring but they were also laughing and cheering too, that is why I tried to sneak up and snap some pictures but they were not thrilled with the flash going off in their faces.

Steve looks pleased with his golf balls and tees!

Here's a cute one of Aunt Terry and Paige.

You can kind of see my new super cute apron that Carolee made me. I love the colors...chocolate brown, mint green pink and a touch of red. I will have to snap a better photo and repost it later.
While the kids were up playing Super Mario on the Wii we were downstairs chatting and playing with the pups.

While Brandon and Rachel were eating dinner I managed to get a few shots of the cousins as they waited somewhat patiently to open their gifts.

They are all looking so grown up... Paige (12), Brittany (18), Megan (9) and Aaron (15)

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