Sunday, September 21, 2008

My post for Saturday 9-20-08

According to the calendar Autumn starts on Monday. It is still warm here in the Midwest. I think we will be having an Indian Summer. Why is it that my flowers always seem to really put on a show at the end of summer? Do they know that they don't have much time left to flourish? We have been selling mum's like crazy at Anderson's, we really do have the best prices on them. I have not purchased any yet, because my fl0wers are at their peak and I would rather enjoy them a bit longer than make room for mums.


HELIJOE said...

Great pictures Sis! Love the color and the composition... Glad your enjoying your beautiful flowers... Love ya and miss ya, Shann @}---

HELIJOE said...

Hey this is Me Reilly!!! Can you tell Joe was here! To funny!

Brandi said...

At first I sorta thought it was weird that Joe would call me Sis?
Glad you guys got a visit in.
Thanks for the compliments.
love ya, your little sis