Friday, September 19, 2008

Paige is putting another iron in the fire.

She came home a few weeks ago and said that she wants to try play an instrument in the 5th grade band. She was between a flute and a clarinet. The kids were given the chance in music class to try out the mouth pieces of each instrument. It turns out that the clarinet is the winner.

We are renting it month to month with a 2 month minimum so she can decide if she likes it or wants to switch to another instrument. If so the money towards this rental can go towards another.

I know nothing about music! So if she has any questions I told her to call her cousin Chelsea. Chelsea played the clarinet, saxophone and oboe while in middle school and high school. So I am sure she could answer any questions. If she lived closer I am sure she would be Paige's private instructor.

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