Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guess what? Our HUGE 6 person tent is still up in our bonus room (it's been up since Paige's party on May 16th) .......

and the kids have slept there every night since getting out of school on June 2nd. I like to sneak in and take pictures of them sleeping. They always go to sleep in the same spots but in the mornings they are turned around and sometimes they are snuggled up next to each other. When they go back to sleeping in their own twin size beds they will probably fall out of bed or conk their heads on the walls next to them. but for now they are enjoying sleeping in the quilt littered HUGE tent.


23r0 said...

I love kids when they are sleeping... So quiet, so peaceful... Makes you tired just looking... I love the fact that your tent is still up!
Love ya Sis!

23r0 said...

guess cody was on my computer today... LoL