Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Two for Tuesday!
Since it was our anniversary last night the girls thought it was a perfect occasion to wear their new dresses that we bought last week while doing some "back to school" shopping. They paired them with leggings and flats (it's the style). The leggings are especially nice when you are sitting in an over air conditioned restaurant or in a chilly movie theater.
When I was loading the pictures onto the computer this morning I was a little surprised to see how grown up our girls are looking. I really try my best to keep them dressing like little girls but all of a sudden they look so tall and grown up. Maybe it's the shorter hair on Paige or the big girl flats (they have been living in crocs and flip flops) but they do look a little older all of a sudden.

Perspective, in context of vision and visual perception, is the way in which objects appear to the eye based on their spatial attributes, or their dimensions and the position of the eye relative to the objects. There are two main meanings of the term: linear perspective and aerial perspective. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perspective_(visual)

I snapped this picture of them sitting on a large deep chaise lounge in the lobby of Molly Woo's and they look so petite.
That is when I realized no matter what kind of shoes or length of hair they are still our little girls.
It's all in the perspective!

1 comment:

LAC said...

Ahhh, such a sweet post. And a gentle reminder to enjoy each moment with a child because they grow up so very fast. I know I will do my best to remember that when baby peanut arrives!