Monday, May 19, 2008

My post for Friday 5-16-08

Sorry these post are a bit was a busy party filled weekend. Friday was non-stop.
I picked Paige, Megan and Sydney up after school. Came home and got Megan ready to go to her friend's (Meghan H.) birthday-dance-sleepover party. After Brittany and Lauren were dropped off at our house we left to go to C.P.K. (California Pizza Kitchen). We stopped to pick up Olivia on the way since her house is over in that direction. It really was a fun night and Paige has really sweet friends.

Here they are at C.P.K. around the table from the left...Olivia, Paige, Brittany, Lauren and Sydney. I gave them little canvas totes from the dollar spot at Target to decorate with fabric markers. Let me tell you this...when kids are being creative they are quiet!
After dinner we met Mike at the movie theater across the parking lot. I had purchased the tickets for the opening night of "Narnia- Price Caspian" earlier in the week. Mike got there early to save our seats. When we got back to the car I gave the kids some snack size Hershey's , M&M's, and Skittles to put in their tote bags. They also had glow bracelets. It was easy to keep track of all the glowing girls. By the way if you ever have a glow bracelet break (like Paige did in the middle of the movie) just put some hand sanitizer on it and it disappears. She had it on her hands and shirt and the alcohol in the hand sanitizer made it vanish.
By the way the movie was great...action packed, great story, and the mouse stole the show!

When we got home we had "Coldstone Creamery Cookie Dough Delirium" ice cream cake. Paige opened her gifts and Mike took the telescope out on the front walkway so the girls could look at the moon up close. Paige was the only one who had ever seen the moon through a telescope so that was fun to share with them.Before lights out the girls made paper bead necklaces from a Martha Stewart kit that I got at Michaels with a 50% off coupon. It was fun and I think it calmed them down a bit before bed. Here they are ready to sack out. I think it was close to one a.m. before they were asleep, and would you believe they were all awake at 7:15 a.m.
Paige and Megan were in bed by 8 p.m. Sat. night....and I was not far behind them!

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