Thursday, May 15, 2008

The topic of the day is.... BENGAL TIGERS!

With Paige's birthday being this week I have not had a chance to post this picture that I took of Paige Monday night.
After dinner she set up her "story board" for her Bengal tiger presentation. She lugged this home (luckily it folds close) on the school bus Monday. She did all the work (research and construction) for this project at school in her SOAR reading class. SOAR is the name they have for the gifted program that they have at her school. Paige is in SOAR for both reading and math.

It was fun listening to all the fun and interesting facts that she learned about the Bengal Tiger. You probably know that Bengals are great swimmers and enjoy the water but did you know that they eat frogs? Well now you do!
Paige also made a power point on the Bengal tiger and we have a copy of it on disc. She has quite a collection of power points that she has done at school. She had done them on tornado's, penguins, and dolphins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a neat subject, I want to see this when we come out next! Love, Mimi