Thursday, June 19, 2008

Here is your special request Ann

I took a picture of my amazing bracelet on my arm so that you can get a feel for it's size. It is not heavy at all. Go check out the web site at This is the coolest one of a kind gift. That Deb she is always coming up with the most creative gifts.

You can click on the photos to enlarge. I tried taking up close pictures while wearing it and just came up with blur. So I sat it in natural light on the porch rail.

It's like wearing memories on my arm. Some of these pictures have already been made into scrapbook pages by my sister, so that is cool too. I remember when each photo was taken, and two of them were taken by Paige.


1dreamr said...

What a totally neat idea! I love it! Thanks for the additional pics.

Liz Harrell said...

Very cool idea!