Friday, June 06, 2008

It's been hot here for the beginning of June. Last week I was worried that the kids would be chilly playing in the water on field day, since it was about 70 degrees. This week I remind them to take a bottle of ice water outside with them. Today we are going to have 94 degrees and 76% humidity .

In the summer time I tell the kids to just sleep on top of their beds with their "blankie" since they are just going to kick everything off anyways. Well for some reason Megan takes it one step further (she always does) and she sleeps upside down on her bed. With her feet on her big pillow and her head on one of her throw pillows. The first night I found her like this I flopped her back around. I didn't want her to get disoriented in the night and fall out of bed . Well the last few nights I've just left her upside down and so far so good. Maybe she does it because the air vent is closest to the end of her bed, or maybe she just does it to be different. I am thinking it is the latter of the two. Oh well in the scheme of things it is really small potatoes, and as long as she sleeps well then life is good.

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