Monday, November 24, 2008

What do I do before 8:30 a.m. on a Monday?
Well I jazz up a journal, of course!

Remember those black and white composition journals that you get for school? Well Megan's class uses theirs for writing in each day and the one she brought at the beginning of the school year is almost filled up. She asked me to get her a new one so I picked one up at Walgreen's on Saturday. I just happen to see it and for some reason my memory kicked in and I actually remembered to get it after forgetting for over a week.
I told her I would "fancy" it up, but then I didn't get to it until this morning. So this is what I can whip up in 20 minutes. Not bad for a mom that didn't even have her breakfast or shower!
The tags read "Good times", Follow your heart", " discover" and "reach for the stars". I thought those all described Megan's outlook on life.

Oh and just one more...had to get those fun-colorful tights in the shot!
Have a great Monday, smile:)

1 comment:

Callie Ann said...

You did a good job on that Brandi!!!