Monday, September 17, 2007

My post for Sunday 9/16/07

Our backyard has a "water feature" now. Ya know on all those H.G. T.V. shows they say "you should have a water feature" well our water feature came from Anderson's. We went there to get a Japanease maple and came home with a fountain. Paige and Megan were so excited! It really does look and sound nice. All the neighbors have come by and given us the thumbs up too.

The plants are "false sprite cypress" and "monkey grass". The cypress is so colorful a green and yellow mix and will get about 12 inches high by 12 inches wide. The monkey grass has tiny purple flowers and they multiply like crazy. They also have varigated leaves.

1 comment:

Callie Ann said...

What a gorgeous patio and I love water features so relaxing. yummy