Monday, August 25, 2008

The kids are back to school (5 days in a row this week!) and summer is winding down. I decided last night before I went to bed that I would get rid of my "summer hair" today. So after the kids got on the school bus and I had my breakfast I snapped a few before pictures of myself. I wanted to remind myself just how bad it looked. I don't know if you can tell from the photo above, but my hair is very light not even near natural for me. If I were to pull my hair back off of my face you would see that I have a good 2 inches of dark/gray roots. After a box of Revlon's Color Silk #51 Light Brown I am back to looking like my old self. The me before I went a little wacky with the do it myself highlights back in May. I wonder how long it will take Mike and the girls to notice the change?

Well we got a little rain when a thunderstorm rolled in around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Then a cold front followed so we are enjoying cooler weather today. I think I will take the pup for a walk, I'm sure it would be good for both of us to get some fresh air and exercise.

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