Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My post for Tuesday 8-26-08

First day of dance for the 2008-2009 season was today. The girls are still dancing at the same studio only it is new and improved. Over the summer they moved down a few doors in the same building. Now they have so much more room. Bigger dance studios, larger and wider hallways (where the moms, dads and siblings hang out). Better seating and more of it. A large girls bathroom with 5 stalls, two sinks and two dressing rooms. They had outgrown the previous space so this was a welcome change.

Paige has Miss. Rachel for the 3rd year in a row for tap. It looks like all the girls are back with maybe one or two new faces, oh and they have a boy in their class this year too.Megan was doing her warm up exercises for her ballet-tap class with Miss. Krissy. So far Megan only has two other girls in her class. Last year there were at least 10 of them. It is still early in the season so I am sure their class will get bigger. Sorry the photo is so dark. The studios are so big it's hard to get a good shot from the doorway.

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